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时间:2022-06-10 14:40:03 来源:网友投稿




 Unit 3 Famous people 课程思政教学设计 育德目标 思想政治教育的融入点 教育方法和载体途径 教学成效 通过榜样的力量,引导学生自觉践行社会主义核心价值观,增强道德榜样教育有效性。学习伟人精神,弘扬中华传统文化,继承优秀的民族精神。

  通 过 单 元 主 题Famous people 引出关帝圣君,了解关公文化精神价值的核心,学习关公精神—仁义礼智信等。

 1. 微课视频及拓展资料(超星平台和麻瓜英语公众号)

 2. 教材文章剖析 3. 课堂小组活动 4. 英语演讲、竞赛等活动 语言输出:

 1. 主题相关翻译实践 2. 演讲:怀旧经典演讲,再现名人风采 行动导向:



 病毒学家顾方舟 2019 年 1 月 2 日逝世,终年 92 岁。顾方舟毕生致力于根除国内的脊髓灰质炎 (小儿麻痹症)。1949 年至1993 年,顾方舟研制的“糖丸”口服脊灰活疫苗将脊灰发病率降低近 100 倍,使上百万儿童免于瘫痪。在概括自己的一生时顾方舟曾说:“我一辈子只做一件事——研制出了一种有效的脊灰疫苗”。1957 年,顾方舟开始进行脊灰研究,1959 年制造出口服脊灰减毒活疫苗。根据顾方舟的传记,为测试疫苗的功效和副作用,他给自己服下脊灰疫苗并开启第一阶段的人体试验。在进行大量试验后,他又采取另一项大胆的行动,给自己一个月大的儿子服下脊主题阐释


 —— 2019 年 21 月 26 日,中国日报网, 2019 年辞世的十位中外名人

 Gu Fangzhou, a virologist who dedicated his life to eradicating polio from China, passed away at age 92 on Jan 2. “Sugar pills”, an oral polio vaccine, developed by Gu reduced incidence rate of the disease by nearly 100 times from 1949 to 1993, saving millions of children from crippling paralysis. “I spent my whole life doing one thing —developing an effective polio vaccine,” Gu Fangzhou, once said while summarizing his life. Gu started polio research in 1957 and created the sugar pills attenuated oral vaccine in 1959. According to Gu’s biography, in order to test the efficacy and side effects of the vaccine, he administered the vaccine to himself and started the first stage of the human trial. After extensive testing, he took another bold step to administer the oral vaccine to his one-month-old son. This inspired his colleagues to vaccinate their kids. “If we don’t believe in what we produce, how can others believe in it?” said Gu while recalling the trial.

 《 不忘初心:是什么造就了今天的习近平?》 》 本视频记录的是青年习近平的成长道路。作为年龄最小、去的地方最苦、插队时间最长的知青,习近平七年在延安当知青的岁月在他日后的成长工作中带来怎样的影响?他说,对他影响最深的,一是革命前辈,二就是曾和他朝夕相处的农民。



 —— 郁达夫《故都的秋》

 Unlike famous flowers which are most attractive when half opening, good wine which is most tempting when one is half drunk, autumn, however, is best appreciated in its entirety.


 ——2020 年 10 月 23 日习近平在纪念中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战 70 周年大会发表重要讲话

 The victory of the war fully demonstrates the Chinese people’s solidarity and tenacity and resolve to safeguard world peace, laid solid foundation for New China"s important status in Asia and international affairs, greatly advanced the modernization of the national defense and the armed forces.


 —— 2020 年 年 8 8 月 月 5 5 日,国 务 委 员 兼外交部 长 王毅接受新 华 社 专访 。

 文章词汇解析 (1) famous

 /ˈ feɪ məs/

 adj. 著名的;极好的,非常令人满意的 (3) evidence /ˈ evɪ dəns/

 n. 证据,证明;迹象;明显 (2) status /ˈ steɪ təs/

 n. 地位;状态;情形;重要身份

  Closing such a consulate-general that bears both historical and current significance is closing a window for exchange and mutual understanding between the Chinese and Americans. This move has undermined the normal growth of China-US relations and the friendship between the two peoples. All the excuses for closure claimed by the US side are nothing but fabrications designed to slander China. None of them is backed by any evidence, and none of them can stand up to scrutiny.


 视频 :

 《 我有一个梦想 》( ( I Have a Dream )


 马丁·路德·金(1929 年-1968年)是一位美国牧师、社会运动者、非裔美国人民权运动领袖,也是 1964年诺贝尔和平奖得主。他主张以非暴力的公民抗命方法争取非裔美国人的基本权利,而成为美国进步主义的象征。1968 年 4 月 4 日,马丁·路德·金遭人暗杀。金遇刺后,全美各地都出现暴动。之后,詹姆斯·厄尔·雷遭到逮捕,被指为杀害金的凶手;根据他的辩词,他是与政府特工一同策划或犯案的,直到暗杀案后 20 年仍如此坚称。2020 年“Black Lives Matter”运动由美国扩大到全世界其他国家的,再读他的故事,对今天的美国的运动会有更深刻的认识。本视频是他著名的演讲现场: I Have a Dream.


 思辨能力训练 Presentation: Give a speech

 on famous people.


 伟大的古老文明都是相似的。2000 多年前,古代中国、古代希腊的文明之光就在亚欧大陆两端交相辉映。古希腊哲学和文学泰斗辈出的黄金时代,恰恰也是中国“百家争鸣”的思想迸发期。曾两次访问中国的希腊文学巨匠卡赞扎基斯有一句名言,“苏格拉底和孔子是人类的两张面具,面具之下是同一张人类理性的面孔”。古希腊“智者学派”萌发的人本主义思想同中国儒家坚持的“以民为本”理念有异曲同工之妙。第欧根尼同中国道家代表人物庄子倡导类似的生活方式和生活理念。

 ——2019 年 11 月 10 日国家主席习近平在希腊《每日报》发表题为《让古老文明的智慧照鉴未来》的署名文章

  Great civilizations have much in common to offer each other. More than 2,000 years ago, ancient Chinese and Greek civilizations shone brightly in Asia and Europe. Greek’s golden era produced many of its great philosophers and literary giants. That coincided with a period in China when “a hundred schools of thought contended with

 each other” and flourished together. Nikos Kazantzakis, a giant of modern Greek literature who had visited China twice, commented that “Confucius and Socrates were two masks that covered the same face of human logic.” Humanism, which traces its origin to the Sophists of ancient Greece, resonates with the Confucian teaching that “people are the roots of a country.” One can also find much similarity between the lifestyle and philosophy of Diogenes and Zhuangzi, a leading Daoist philosopher who lived around the 4th century BC in China. 【相关词汇】

 伟大的古老文明 Great civilizations 黄金时代 golden era 孔子 Confucius 以民为本 people are the roots of a country

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