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时间:2022-06-09 15:25:02 来源:网友投稿




  2022 届高考英语热点话题之全国两会(极简版政府工作报告)

 3 月 5 日,十三届全国人大五次会议在京召开,国务院总理李克强作政府工作报告。报告指出,今年国内生产总值(GDP)预期增长目标为 5.5%左右。

 今天为你梳理了 2022 年政府工作的极简版双语报告↓↓↓

  1 2021 年工作总结

  全年国内生产总值达到 114 万亿元,增长 8.1% Gross domestic product (GDP) reached 114 trillion yuan, growing 8.1 percent.

 全国财政收入突破 20 万亿元,增长 10.7% National fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion yuan, growing 10.7 percent.

 城镇新增就业 1269 万人,城镇调查失业率平均为 5.1% A total of 12.69 million urban jobs were added, and the average surveyed unemployment rate stood at 5.1 percent.

  居民消费价格上涨 0.9% The consumer price index (CPI) rose by 0.9 percent.

 粮食产量 1.37 万亿斤,创历史新高 Grain output reached a record high of 685 million metric tons.

 货物进出口总额增长 21.4%,实际使用外资保持增长 Total volume of trade in goods grew by 21.4 percent, and growth of utilized foreign investment was sustained.

 地级及以上城市细颗粒物平均浓度下降 9.1% Average concentration of fine particulate matter dropped by 9.1 percent in cities at and above prefectural level.

  居民人均可支配收入实际增长 8.1% Per capita disposable income increased by 8.1 percent.

 新开工改造城镇老旧小区 5.6 万个,惠及近千万家庭 Renovation began on 56,000 old urban residential communities, benefiting close to 10 million households.

 疫苗全程接种覆盖率超过 85% Over 85 percent of the population received a full course of vaccination.

  新增减税降费超过 1 万亿元 Tax and fee reductions introduced last year totaled more than one trillion yuan.

 国家助学贷款每人每年最高额度增加 4000 元,惠及 500 多万在校生 The cap for government-subsidized student loans was raised by 4,000 yuan per person per year, benefiting over five million students.

  2 2022 年发展目标

  国内生产总值增长 5.5%左右 GDP growth at around 5.5 percent

 城镇新增就业 1100 万人以上 Over 11 million new urban jobs

 城镇调查失业率全年控制在 5.5%以内 A surveyed urban unemployment rate of no more than 5.5 percent

 居民消费价格涨幅 3%左右 CPI increase of around 3 percent

 居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步 Growth in personal income that is basically in step with economic growth

 粮食产量保持在 1.3 万亿斤以上 Keeping overall grain output above 650 million tonnes

 生态环境质量持续改善 Further improvement in the environment

 主要污染物排放量继续下降 Continued reduction in the discharge of major pollutants

  2 2022 年重点工作

  今年赤字率拟按 2.8%左右安排、比去年有所下调 The deficit-to-GDP ratio for the year is set at around 2.8 percent, slightly lower than last year.

 支出规模比去年扩大 2 万亿元以上 The government is to increase expenditures by more than two trillion yuan over last year.

 中央对地方转移支付增加约 1.5 万亿元、规模近 9.8 万亿元,增长 18%、为多年来最大增幅

  Central government transfer payments to local governments will come close to 9.8 trillion yuan. This figure represents growth of 18 percent, or around 1.5 trillion yuan, and is the largest increase in recent years.

 实施全面节约战略 A comprehensive resource conservation strategy will be implemented.

 设立金融稳定保障基金 A fund for ensuring financial stability will be established.

 实施新的组合式税费支持政策,坚持减税与退税并举 A new package of tax-and-fee policies to support enterprises will be implemented, and policies for both tax reductions and refunds will be applied.

 继续对受疫情影响严重的行业企业给予融资支持 Continued financing support for industries and enterprises hit hard by Covid-19 will be ensured.

 开展新就业形态职业伤害保障试点 Trials of occupational injury insurance for people in new forms of employment will be launched.

 全面实行行政许可事项清单管理 List-based management will be fully implemented for matters requiring government approval.

 基本实现电子证照互通互认 Mutual nationwide recognition of electronic licenses and certificates will be realized.

  全面实行股票发行注册制 Full implementation of the registration-based IPO system will be achieved.

 实施基础研究十年规划 The government will press ahead with the 10-year action plan on basic research.

 实施科技体制改革三年攻坚方案 A three-year action plan for reforming the science and technology management system will be implemented.

 加大研发费用加计扣除政策实施力度,将科技型中小企业加计扣除比例从 75%提高到 100% The government will enhance the policy on granting additional tax deductions for R&D costs, raising the deduction coverage for small and medium sci-tech enterprises from 75 percent to 100 percent.

 继续支持新能源汽车消费 Purchase of new-energy vehicles will be continuously supported.

  再开工改造一批城镇老旧小区 Another group of older residential communities in urban areas will be renovated.

 新建 1 亿亩高标准农田 The area of high-standard cropland will be increased by 6.67 million hectares.

  开展好第二轮土地承包到期后再延长 30 年整县试点 Trials will be launched for extending the rural land contracts of whole counties by another 30 years on the expiration of second-round contracts.

 启动乡村建设行动 Rural initiatives to improve infrastructure will be launched.

 充分发挥跨境电商作用,支持建设一批海外仓 The role of cross-border e-commerce will be maximized.

 继续做好义务教育阶段减负工作 Continuous efforts to reduce the burden on students in compulsory education will be made.

  多渠道增加普惠性学前教育资源 Resources for public-interest preschool education will be increased via multiple channels.

 居民医保和基本公共卫生服务经费人均财政补助标准分别再提高 30 元和 5 元 Government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased by an average of 30 yuan per person, and subsidies for basic public health services will be increased by an average of 5 yuan per person.

 推进药品和高值医用耗材集中带量采购 The government will carry out bulk government purchases for more medicines and high-value medical consumables.

 实现全国医保用药范围基本统一 The government will ensure that the list of medicines covered by medical insurance is largely consistent nationwide.

 将三岁以下婴幼儿照护费用纳入个人所得税专项附加扣除 Care expenses for children under three will be made part of the special additional deductions for individual income tax.

 加快发展长租房市场,推进保障性住房建设,支持商品房市场更好满足购房者的合理住房需求 Development of the long-term rental market will be accelerated, the construction of government-subsidized housing will be promoted, and the commodity housing market will be supported to better meet the reasonable needs of homebuyers.

 用好北京冬奥会遗产。建设群众身边的体育场地设施,促进全民健身蔚然成风 The legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be maximized. More sports venues and facilities will be built close to people’s homes to promote extensive public fitness activities.

 严厉打击拐卖妇女儿童犯罪行为 The government will crack down hard on the trafficking of women and children to protect their lawful rights and interests.

 强化网络安全、数据安全和个人信息保护 The government will strengthen cybersecurity, data security and the protection of personal information.

 完成国防动员体制改革,加强全民国防教育 The government will finish reforming the defense mobilization system and raise awareness of national defense.

推荐访问:热点话题 政府工作报告 素材 2022届高考英语热点话题之全国两会(极简版政府工作报告)素材 两会高考英语2020